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The selected innovators were already notified for the pitch day. The 12 applicants will present their projects to the Authorities on the 18th and 19th of March!



What is The Portugal FinLab?

The PORTUGAL FINLAB is a communication channel between innovators – new players in the market or incumbent institutions having innovative tech-based financial projects or products – and the Portuguese regulatory authorities. Through it, the Authorities provide guidelines to the Participants on how to navigate and operate in the regulatory system.


The purpose of the PORTUGAL FINLAB is to support the development of innovative solutions in FinTech and related areas through cooperation and mutual understanding.

Who can apply?

The PORTUGAL FINLAB proved to be a useful tool not only for start-ups, for incumbents and also for companies wishing to scale or on the verge of going global as well.


To apply for the PORTUGAL FINLAB, start-ups, incumbents and other companies must have into account the pre-established criteria.




Who are the organizing parties?

The PORTUGAL FINLAB is organised by the Portuguese regulatory authorities: Banco de Portugal (BdP), Comissão do Mercado de Valores Mobiliários (CMVM) and Autoridade de Supervisão de Seguros e Fundos de Pensões (ASF).


Banco de Portugal is the authority responsible for the regulation and supervision of credit institutions, financial companies, electronic money institutions and payment institutions operating in Portugal. For more information please visit here.


Comissão do Mercado de Valores Mobiliários (CMVM) is the capitals´ market authority, responsible for their regulation and supervision. For more information please visit here.


Finally, Autoridade de Supervisão de Seguros e Fundos de Pensões (ASF) is the authority for the supervision of the insurance and pension fund industries. For more information please visit here.

Portugal Finlab
portugal finlab

The PORTUGAL FINLAB results from close cooperation between Banco de Portugal (BdP), Comissão do Mercado de Valores Mobiliários (CMVM) and Autoridade de Supervisão de Seguros e Fundos de Pensões (ASF) (henceforth "the Authorities").



By joining forces, the Authorities can foster an ecosystem for growth, cooperation and stability envisaging FinTech, InsurTech and RegTech development.



The PORTUGAL FINLAB aims to be a privileged communication channel between market players and the Authorities.





The 6th Edition of Portugal FinLab will have a pitch day, in March of 2025, where the selected candidates can present their projects and regulatory questions directly to the Authorities.


To select the best fitting participants, all submitted applications will be screened by the Technical Committee of Portugal FinLab in accordance to pre-established criteria.


After applying, innovators will be able to meet directly with the Authorities. If selected as participants, the innovators will obtain clarifications on the regulatory requirements applicable to their projects and on how to operate within the applicable legal framework.


The independent remark of each Authority will be compiled in a single document, in the form of a Report, and delivered to the participants.

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